
2022年3月10日—Sowhatdoesafollowdo?Itallowspeoplewhofollowyoutoseeyourpostswithoutyouhavingtoapproveatwo-sidedrelationship.IfpersonA ...,Well,Facebookfollowersarepeoplewhohaveopted-into“follow”yourprofileorpage,meaningthattheywillreceiveyourupdatesintheirtimeline.,**Definition:**Insocialmedia,afollowrepresentsauserwhochoosestoseeallofanotheruser'spostsintheircontentfeed.Gettinguserstofollow ......

The Difference Between a Follow and a Friend on Facebook

2022年3月10日 — So what does a follow do? It allows people who follow you to see your posts without you having to approve a two-sided relationship. If person A ...

What are Facebook Followers?

Well, Facebook followers are people who have opted-in to “follow” your profile or page, meaning that they will receive your updates in their timeline.

What is 'following' and what does it mean on social media?

**Definition:**In social media, a follow represents a user who chooses to see all of another user's posts in their content feed. Getting users to follow ...


When you follow a profile or Page, you may see updates from that person or Page in your Feed. If you're friends with someone, you automatically follow them. If you send someone a friend request who allows everybody to follow them, you'll automatic

What does it mean to follow a profile or Page on Facebook?

When you follow a profile or Page, you may see updates from that person or Page in your Feed. If you like a Page, you'll automatically follow it.

What Is Unfollow and Follow on Facebook? (And When to ...

To follow someone, go to their profile page and click on the three dots below the lower right-hand corner of the person's cover photo, then hit Follow. If you ...

What is the different between a Like and a Follow on ...

2023年11月8日 — It means that you are actively interested in seeing all of the Page's posts in your news feed. When you follow a Page, you will receive ...

What does it mean to be a follower on Facebook?

2015年5月29日 — The followers means the persons who like you on Facebook and they like your post photos and videos. The Followers is not your Close Facebook ...

What Does "Following" Mean on Facebook?

Facebook's “following” feature gives users the ability to subscribe to posts shared by others. When a person follows someone or something on Facebook, they get ...